Levels 3 and 4


In level 3 of rhythmic gymnastics, which typically begins around the age of 5 and up, gymnasts continue to build upon the skills and techniques learned in previous levels. This stage focuses on refining fundamental movements, improving flexibility, and introducing more challenging routines.

Gymnasts in level 3 concentrate on perfecting their body alignment, executing skills with precision, and enhancing their overall artistry. They work on developing strength, flexibility, and coordination through targeted exercises and conditioning drills. Routines become more intricate, combining a variety of jumps, leaps, balances, and turns. The apparatus used in level 3 can include the hoop, rope, ball, or ribbon.

Before progressing to level 4, gymnasts typically need to compete in level 3. Competitions provide opportunities for gymnasts to showcase their skills, gain experience, and receive valuable feedback from judges. Participating in competitions also helps gymnasts develop resilience, sportsmanship, and self-confidence.

Level 4 represents a continuation of the gymnast's journey, building upon the foundation established in level 3. This level introduces more advanced techniques, challenging combinations, and increased difficulty in routines.

Gymnasts further refine their execution, artistry, and musicality. The focus is on achieving greater precision, fluidity, and expressiveness in their performances.

Level 3 competes with Floor and ball routines.

Level 4 competes with rope and hoops routines.

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